Roald Dahl - Danny The Champion Of The World

79,00 Kroner

Varenummer: BAR260B34196
Lagerstatus: På lager

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Boken har naturlige bruksmerker
Smussomslag er synlig brukt
Språk: Engelsk
Vekt: 0,337
Sider: 205
Trykket i: 2002
Illustrert: Ja

Vår registrering
Oppdatert: 20.11.24
Internkode: EES99

Danny’s life seems perfect: his home is a gypsy caravan, he’s the youngest car mechanic around, and his best friend is his dad, who never runs out of wonderful stories to tell. And when Danny discovers his father’s secret, he’s off on the adventure of a lifetime. Here’s Roald Dahl’s famous story about a 9-year-old boy, his dad, and a daring and hilarious pheasant-snatching expedition. Just as important, it’s the story of the love between a boy and his father who, in Danny’s own words, is “the most marvelous and exciting father a boy ever had.”

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