Lisa Phillips - The American Century Art & Culture 1950-2000

249,00 Kroner

Varenummer: KOK65B28645
Lagerstatus: På lager

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Språk: Engelsk
Vekt: 2,007
Sider: 398
Trykket i: 2000
Illustrert: Ja

Vår registrering
Oppdatert: 31.05.2024
Internkode: HAA

A compelling panorama of art in America during the second half of this century.

Shortly after the Second World War a group of American artists moved away from representation and realism toward a completely nonrepresentational style which became known as abstract expressionism. Led by Jackson Pollock, Willem DeKooning, and others, it was the first truly American painting style, and it quickly moved the United States into the forefront of innovation. A succession of other movements followed, including Pop Art, and adherents like Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein; the performance art of John Cage and others; video art, led by Nam Juin Paik; and installation art of grand proportions.

In this expansive volume Lisa Phillips explains the excitement and inventiveness of American artists in the context of the varied and sometimes turbulent social environment as well as the expanding economy of postwar America. Essays by experts in related fields illuminate parallel and diverse developments in architecture, dance, music, literature, painting, sculpture, cinema, and design. Over 700 color and duotone illustrations

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